


The Borough Café

Located in the heart of Downton on the edge of the New Forest, this is a friendly family-run independent café

Bluestone Vineyards

Bluestone Vineyards is an up and coming producer of English Sparking Wine.

Lyburn Farmhouse Cheesemakers

Lyburn Farm offers a variety of handmade cheeses, all made on the farm using pasteurised milk from their own herd of pedigree cows.

Happy Adjika

We are a small family run business on the Hampshire/Wiltshire border. Our passion for food and cooking led to us starting this mission bringing homemade Georgian adjika chilli paste to our customers.

Premier Fish

Celebrating over 20 years of trading, Premier Fish is a well trusted and renowned fishmongers and seafood supplier.

Downton Distillery

Downton Distillery creates exceptional small-batch spirits in Wiltshire, using local botanicals and sustainable methods. Their bold, refined gins, like Explorer’s and Great Bustard, offer premium craftsmanship with a unique, ethically driven edge.

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