Beaulieu Chocolate Studio

Beaulieu Chocolate Studio has been open since July 2006 and continues the long tradition of chocolate making in Beaulieu. Hand-made chocolates have been a part of the village since the early 1980s and following the closure of the old chocolate shop, with the help of the Beaulieu Estate, owner Trevor Smith set up the Chocolate Studio in what had once been the village patisserie.

Trevor divided the shop in two, so that one half is the workshop where the chocolates are made and in the other they are displayed and sold. His vision was to make an original range of hand-made chocolates on the premises and in view of the public, who can watch the chocolate-making process through a large viewing window.

With assistants Carol and Judith, Trevor now makes a range of over 30 filled chocolates, with new flavours added all the time and a wide range of original chocolate bars and gifts. From the smallest pocket-money chocolate rabbit to the most luxurious chocolate box gift, every chocolate wish is fulfilled.

Beaulieu Chocolate Studio now creates contemporary chocolates as well as traditional local specialities, all hand-made using fresh ingredients.